Stanley's Quick Quiz

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A quick quiz that is fun for family and school groups.

  1. Who was Stanley Bason and what was his dream?
  2. Who lives in the Bason Botanic Gardens Homestead today?
  3. To whom is the Conservatory Complex dedicated and why?
  4. What stream does the weir dam?
  5. What are the scientific and common names of Stanley Bason's favourite flower?
  6. What are the average nightly temperatures in the: Begonia, Orchid and Tropical Houses?
  7. What is the difference between a park/reserve and a botanic garden?
  8. What type of plants are in the Millennium Hill garden?
  9. How many hectares are the Gardens?
  10. How are these Gardens different to other botanic gardens?
  11. How are the Gardens financed?
  12. Why are shelterbelts so important in these Gardens?
  13. Why is the way the camellias are set out at the Bason Botanic Gardens so helpful?
  14. Where did the conservatory bricks come from?
  15. When were the Bason Botanic Gardens started?

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Answers to the Quiz
  1. Stanley Bason, the farmer who gifted his farm to become a botanic garden
  2. The Custodian and his family
  3. Blanche Bason, Stanley's wife
  4. Mowhanau Stream
  5. Haemanthus coccineus (Commonly known are Blood Lily or Elephant Ear) was Stanley's favourite flower
  6. Begonia 12°C, Tropical 18°C, Orchid 25°C
  7. A botanical garden in addition to being an attractive place, conserves and preserves rare and unusual plants and provides opportunity for research and study of plant species.
  8. Mediterranean sub-tropica land tropical plants and Australian species
  9. 25 hectares
  10. Their source was a gift of a farm. They are in a rural setting. You can drive around them. They have unique architecture. They are hilly and have many vistas.
  11. The Gardens are financed by the Wanganui District Council and funds raised by the Trust.
  12. Shelter is important because they are near the west coast with prevailing salt-laden westerly winds.
  13. The camellias are planted in beds of species.
  14. Two demolished picture theatres in Wanganui
  15. Stanley Bason gifted the farm and homestead in 1966.